Isola Crespini Gourmet Pack

Save 10% These Small breadsticks with a great crisp bite and "waves" ideal for retaining any dip, tapenade or spread! Includes one each of three varieties ~
- Olive Oil
- Sesame
- Zesty Garlic
All with a tasty touch of sea salt.

Save 10% on Isola Crespini Gourmet Pack! Includes one each of three varieties ~ Olive Oil, Sesame or Zesty Garlic - all with a tasty touch of sea salt. Use in antipasti trays, dipping, wrap with prosciutto, or, just a great crispy snack by themselves.
Isola Crespini Gourmet Pack includes one each of three varieties ~ Olive Oil, Sesame or Zesty Garlic - all with a tasty touch of sea salt. Save 15% on Crespini Gourmet Pack!